Meet the Melugins

Keith and Amy Melugin have served in full-time occupational ministry for over 25 years. They have lead over 40 mission trips, both state-side and international. God has given them a new vision for ministry – in the Dominican Republic.

“God has given us a vision to rescue, restore, and renew victims of human trafficking in the Dominican Republic. After the Holy Spirit showed us third-world poverty and the horrors of trafficking, He broke our hearts for hungry and enslaved people, speaking to us through Psalm 12:5 of The Message: “Into the hovels of the poor, into the dark streets where the homeless groan, God speaks: ‘I’ve had enough; I’m on my way to heal the ache in their heart…’”

The desire of our hearts is to stand up and fight this heinous crime against humanity. We believe God has called us to love enslaved victims into a life-altering relationship with Jesus Christ, rescuing them out of slavery and sharing that message of hope. Please join us as we bring the message of Christ to the sex workers of the Dominican Republic.”

Meet the ministry team

  • Elpidio Tavarez

    Elpidio manages and maintains our Ministry Center in Santiago and the Mission Team House in the mountains. He is a skilled craftsman, but an even more passionate evangelist. Elpidio is a local pastor and connects with many Dominican churches.

  • Ligia Guzman

    Ligia’s primary role is discipleship of the women that come to the Ministry Center in Santiago. She leads many of the women through Bible studies and the Celebrate Recovery program. Ligia is also actively involved with leading worship at her local church.

  • Ely Tavarez

    Ely helps with translation when we have teams from the US. She also volunteers for large outreach events. When not helping the ministry, she works as an English teacher in a local government program. Ely is also actively involved with leading worship at her local church.

  • Aura Nuevo

    Aura has a supporting role at the Ministry Center. She uses her gift of hospitality to greet women who come to the Ministry Center, offer them a coffee, and make them feel welcome. Aura helps cook meals for large outreach events at the Ministry Center.

  • Jose Ruberia

    Jose is the property manager of the Mission Team House, currently under construction. He works with teams from the US and DR and assists Elpidio with project management.

  • Dr. Ruth (Milly) Fernandez

    Dr. Milly oversees our medical outreaches and will eventually provide care in our new clinic that will open inside the Ministry Center. She works as a pediatrician in a public hospital and runs her own ministry called Minipevid, a community clinic just outside of Santiago.